Tuesday, October 4, 2011



    When it comes to the topic of an education, most of us will readily agree that it is very important especially with our current economy suffering. Where this agreement usually ends, however, is on the question of whether or not people can make more money having businesses of their own. Whereas some are convinced that an education is the only way to go, others maintain that paying high prices to attend college is a waste of time and money.  
            Getting an education is very important. Many people, after high school, decide that they have had enough and just want to be finished with school. As time goes by a lot of these people realize how hard it is to make a decent living without an education. Things have changed over the years and it is getting harder and harder to find good paying jobs without an education. People of all ages are returning back to school. It doesn’t matter how old you are; there are many different types of degrees and certificates a person can receive to help better their chances of getting good jobs.
            If you are older and want to go back to school, but maybe hesitant about it, there are many teachers, counselors and students who are willing to help. Three years ago I decided to go back to college. It was one of the hardest decisions that I have ever made. At the time that I made this decision, I had two teenagers still at home, two married children and a grandson. My oldest son, who was also taking college courses at the time, helped convince me that it would be a good idea.  My grandmother inspired me to go back to school when I would go visit her in the care center. She went back to college in her late 40’s and received her master’s degree in her 50’s. She taught special education in California for many years. She retired at age 77 and always talked about how she loved her job and was always concerned for her students. My sister also had a big impact on my decision. She also was one who decided to return to college when her children were younger. It took her eight years to receive her bachelor’s degree because she could only go part time. One of the things that was brought up one time when we were talking, is that time is going to pass by no matter what we are doing. Looking at where my life was at the time, and the challenges I had been through, made me realize that I could improve myself by going back to school. Even though it has taken me three years to finally finish my associate’s degree, I am very happy and proud that I have accomplished this goal.
            Studying and learning new things has helped me in many ways. It has helped build up my self-confidence. Also has made me realize that anyone can get an education regardless of age and also has shown my children the importance of continuing to learn and grow. It has helped me become more aware of different people and how we are all trying to accomplish something. My plan is to continue going to college even if it takes me five more years to accomplish my goal of a Master’s Degree
            Even though there may be fear or lack of self-confidence, it is not too late to go back to college. Many people might disagree because they feel that they are not smart enough or can’t afford it. There are ways to help overcome this. A lot of people think that they have to go full time. This is not true. A person can choose how many credits they want to take. If someone wants to start out taking three credits or less, to see how they do, this is an option. As far as financial stand point, a person can apply for grants, student loans and also can set up payment plans while attending college. There have been many who have over exceeded their loans and when they are finished with school feel overwhelmed by the money they are responsible for paying back. Choosing the option of a payment plan would help those who want to be debt free when they are finished with their degree.
            If a person is hesitant in going because they don’t know what type of degree they want to receive, there are several different types of personality tests that will help narrow down your decision. Counselors, teachers, students and doing some research of your own, will help make your decision. Many people have commented and asked me why I am going to school. Some people have tried to make me feel as if I am wasting my time. An education is important. If someone would have asked me ten, or even twenty years ago, if I would ever go back to school, I would have probably said no way. School was okay when I was growing up but I never really thought that it was that important at the time. People could find lots of good jobs without a degree. Sot it wasn’t important to a lot of people. My junior high and high school years were hard in that there was always a lot of competition between friends. We see to worry too much about what others think of us at that time in our lives. What matters the most is deciding what you want in life. No one has to live with you but yourself.
            It is true that there are people who may start up their own business and become very successful. This is a great plan if you have a good business plan that will continue to be successful. The problem today, as many people can see, is that the economy has brought many challenges to many different businesses. Getting an education and receiving a degree, is always a good idea to have for a backup plan.

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